29 September 2020

Programme of the virtual event organized by the European Food Banks Federation
on the occasion of the International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste


All hours are in CET (Brussels time)

We recommend to connect at least 5 min before the start of the meetings


Event Opening

09:00 – 10:00

Food, no Waste: food donation in Czech Republic for the people, for the planet

Moderator: Veronika Láchová, CEO of the Czech Federation of Food Banks

  • Remarks

Welcome words from Jacques Vandenschrik, President of the European Food Banks Federation

Welcome words from H.E. Stella Kyriakides, Commissioner Health and Food Safety, European Commission

  • Roundtable
Mrs. Petra Urbanová – Waste Department of the Ministry of the Environment

Mrs. Lucie Mádlová – Founder and CEO of the Association of Social Responsibility

Mr. Aleš Slavíček – Chairman of the Czech Federation of Food Banks

Mr. Daniel Svoboda – Regional Director of Naděje, Prague

Mr. Ján Kondáš – Head of Communications (Corporate Affairs) – TESCO Czech Republic

Live Dialogues


09:30 – 11:00

Food, no Waste: food donation in Denmark, Norway & Sweden, for the people, for the planet 

  • Remarks

Introduction to the event by moderator Julian Reisz, cofounder of Brave Business and consultant

Welcome words from Jacques Vandenschrik, President of the European Food Banks Federation

Welcome words from H.E. Stella Kyriakides, Commissioner Health and Food Safety, European Commission

  • Roundtable

Policy frameworks for food waste reduction in the Nordic countries – Anne Marie Schrøder, Matvett

Food Banks in the Nordic countries. Presentations by Norway, Sweden and Denmark

Nordic food industry and food waste reduction. Presentations by Findus and Mills

  • Panel discussion
  • Open discussion

Live Dialogues


10:00 – 11:30

Quantifying the Impact of European Food Banks – Live chat with the experts

with the participation of Fabio Fraticelli and Chiara Grassi, TechSoup Italy

FEBA Data Centre


10:00 – 14:15

Food, no Waste: food donation in Estonia for the people, for the planet

  • 10:00 – 10:30: Greetings

Tanel Kiik, Minister of Social Affairs

Arvo Aller, Minister of Rural Affairs

Jacques Vandenschrik, President of the European Food Banks Federation

Stella Kyriakides, European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety

  • 10:30 – 11:40: Lessons to learn

The experience of the Dutch in food redistribution -Toine Timmermans,  Director of Samen Tegen Voedselverspilling and Program Manager in Wageningen University and Research Circular Economy in Food

Redistributing food and preventing food waste, what’s the business? – Wojciech Sokol, Head of Campaign Programs in Tesco Central Europe

Food waste management in French retail sector: foster companies in implementing good practices – Laurence Gouthière, ADEME (French agency for ecological transition)

Which food reaches the trash and the waste handler? – Kertu Tiitso, Chair woman of Tallinn Waste Recycling Center

  • 11:40 – 12:10: What do policy makers and statistics say?

Food waste and loss in the food chain and its causes – Evelin Piirsalu, Senior Expert (Environmental Management Programme), Stockholm Environment Institute

Reducing the environmental footprint related to food waste in Estonia – Meelis Münt, Secretary General of the Ministry of the Environment

In saving food, let’s support those in need – Marika Priske, Secretary General in the Ministry of Social Affairs

  • 12:40 – 14:15: How to save food in Estonia on a daily basis?

Foodbank in 2030 – Pieter Boerefijn, Established Estonian Foodbank in 2010

In my own farm… – Margus Lille, Owner of Kiltsimäe Organic Farm

Planned waste – Allan Tohver, Sales manager in Farmi Dairy Farm

How to become a world champion in saving food? – Vaido Padumäe, CEO in Rimi

Zero tolerance for food waste – is it difficult? – Peeter Pihel, Head Chef and co-owner in Fotografiska

It all starts with us – Indrek Kaing, Father of a large family

Live Dialogues

English & Estonian

10:15 – 10:30

Video on the values of the International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste

  • Rosa Rolle, Senior Enterprise Development Officer; Team Leader, Food Losses and Waste at the FAO
  • Jacques Vandenschrik, President of the European Food Banks Federation
  • Lisa Moon, President and CEO at The Global FoodBanking Network
  • Nicola Dixon, Executive Director, General Mills Foundation at General Mills

International Auditorium


10:30 – 12:00

Our dream for a better planet without food loss and waste: it is possible

FAO Brussels Dialogue

with the participation of FEBA Secretary General, Angela Frigo

  • 10.30: Welcome & setting the scene
  • Keynote intervention

Claire Bury, Deputy Director-General, EU Commission Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE)

  • Panel discussion with questions from the audience

Maximo Torero, Chief Economist, FAO

Angela Frigo, Secretary General, European Food Banks Federation (FEBA)

Martina Otto, Head, Cities Unit, UN Environment Programme (UNEP)

Mella Frewen, Chief Executive Officer, FoodDrinkEurope

Christophe Diercxsens, Global Public Affairs Manager, Too Good To Go

  • Welcoming remarks

Rodrigo de Lapuerta, Director, Liaison Office with the European Union and the Kingdom of Belgium, FAO

  • Closing remarks

Biljana BORZAN, Member of the European Parliament (TBC)

  • 12:00: Wrap up by the moderator and main takeaway

International Auditorium


11:30 – 13:00

Food, no Waste: food donation in Italy for the people, for the planet

Moderator: Marco Lucchini, Secretary General, Fondazione Banco Alimentare Onlus

  • 11:30 – 11:45: Remarks

Jacques Vandenschrik President, European Food Banks Federation (FEBA)

H.E. Stella Kyriakides, Commissioner, Health and Food Safety, European Commission

  • 11:45 – 12:45: Roundtable

Battaglia Milena, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry (Italy)

Dott.Valerio Cavazzuti – Director/Head of the Ministry of Economic Development (Italy)

Bartezzaghi Giulia, Direttore Food Sustainability Lab, Politecnico di Milano 

Sorice Antonio, President, Società Italiana di Medicina Veterinaria Preventiva (SIMeVeP)*

Davide Vernocchi, Fruit and Vegetable Coordinator, Alleanza delle Cooperative

Pallottini Massimo, President, Italmercati  

Calzolaro Nicola, Director, Federalimentare

Carlo Alberto Buttarelli, Director of Relations with the Food Supply Chain, Federdistribuzione

Scarsciotti Carlo, President, Associazione Nazionale della ristorazione collettiva e servizi vari (Angem)

Ghigi Gabriella, Food for Good Project Manager, Federcongressi&eventi 

Bruno Giovanni, President, Fondazione Banco Alimentare ONLUS (FBAO)

Monica Tola, Head of Innovation and Development, Caritas Italiana

  • Q&A and open discussion

* pending confirmation

Live Dialogues


11:30 – 13:00

Quantifying the Impact of European Food Banks – Live chat with the experts

with the participation of Laura Gavinelli, Management consultant and trainer

FEBA Data Centre


12:00 – 13:30

Food, no Waste: food donation in Malta for the people, for the planet

Moderator: Dr. Lino Schembri, Food Safety Management System Consultant
  • Remarks

Welcome words from Jacques Vandenschrik, President of the European Food Banks Federation

Welcome words from H.E. Stella Kyriakides, Commissioner Health and Food Safety, European Commission

  • Roundtable

Angela Frigo, Secretary General, European Food Banks Federation

Hon Anton Refalo,  Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries (to be confirmed)

Ms Annie Falloon, Secretary, Malta Food Bank Foundation

Corporate representative (to be confirmed)

Mr. Silvan Magro, Administrator, Dar il-Kaptan (Beneficiary – NGO)

Mr. Ronald Galea, Director, Dar il-Wens (Beneificiary – NGO) 

Closing remarks from Irene Schembri, Chairperson of Malta Food Bank Foundation

Live Dialogues


15:00 – 16:30

Save Food, Fight Hunger

convened by Champions 12.3 and The Global FoodBanking Network

Moderator: Crispin Sonn, Director, Gamiro Investment Group, South Africa


  • Steve Cahillane, Chairman and CEO, Kellogg Company, USA
  • Frans Muller, President and CEO, Ahold Delhaize, The Netherlands
  • Catherine Bertini, Distinguished Fellow, Global Food and Agriculture, The Chicago Council on Global Affairs, USA
  • Dr. Liz Goodwin, Champion, Champions 12.3 and Senior Fellow and Director for Food Loss and Waste, WRI, UK
  • María Teresa García Plata, Dirección General (General Manager), Bancos De Alimentos de México, Mexico

Live Dialogues


15:45 – 16:00

Video on the values of the International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste

  • Rosa Rolle, Senior Enterprise Development Officer; Team Leader, Food Losses and Waste at the FAO
  • Jacques Vandenschrik, President of the European Food Banks Federation
  • Lisa Moon, President and CEO at The Global FoodBanking Network
  • Nicola Dixon, Executive Director, General Mills Foundation at General Mills

International Auditorium


16:00 – 19:00

Inaugural event of the International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste

FAO HeadQuarters

with the participation of FEBA President, Jacques Vandenschrik in the panel Food Loss and Waste and innovation

Moderator: Lana Wong

  • 16:05: Welcome

Máximo Torero Cullen, Chief Economist, FAO

  • 16:10: Opening Remarks

QU Dongyu, Director-General, FAO

Inger Andersen, Executive Director, UN Environment Programme

  • Message from António Guterres, United Nations Secretary General
  • Remarks:

H.E. Luis Basterra, Minister of Agriculture, Argentina

H.E. Maria Ubach Font, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Principality of Andorra

H.E. Luca Beccari, Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Economic Cooperation and
Telecommunications of the Republic of San Marino

H.E. Bekir Pakdemerli, Minister of Agriculture and Forestry, Republic of Turkey

H.E. Stella Kyriakides, Commissioner, Health and Food Safety, European Commission

Gilbert F. Houngbo, President, International Fund for Agriculture Development

David Beasley, Executive Director, World Food Programme

  • 17:00: Ted Talk – Food Loss and Waste and Sustainability

Martien van Nieuwkoop, Global Director for Agriculture and Food, World Bank

  • 17:10: Panel 1 – Food Loss and Waste and Sustainability

H.E. Tejs Binderup, Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Environment and Food, Denmark

Judith Hitchman, President, Urgenci International Community Supported Agriculture Network

Zengjun Ma, Chairman, World Union of Wholesale Markets

Christina Bauer-Plank, Global Vice President Hellmann’s, Unilever

Andrea Segrè, University of Bologna

  • 17:40: Ted Talk – Food Loss and Waste and Innovation

Chef Jose Andres

  • 17:50: Panel 2 – Food Loss and Waste and Innovation

Helena Leurent, Director General, Consumers International

Jacques Vandenschrik, President, European Food Banks Federation

Theo Dejaeger, President World Farmers Organization

Issac Sesi, Owner, Sesi Technologies

Peter Johnson, Founder, Ayadee Foundation

Massimo Bottura, Chef and Food for Soul Founder

  • 18:25 Regional Round Table

G77 and China – H.E. Mr. Mario Arvelo, Ambassador/Permanent Representative, Dominican Republic

Africa Group – H.E. Ambassador Hisham Badr, Permanent Representative of Egypt

Asia Group – H.E. Caka Awal, Alternate Permanent Representative of Indonesia

Near East – H.E. Abdelwahab Mohamed Elhijazi Mohamed Khair, Embassy and Mission of the Republic of Sudan in Rome

Latin America and the Caribbean – H.E. Mr. Mario Arvelo, Ambassador/Permanent Representative, Dominican Republic

  • 18:55 Closing Remarks

Máximo Torero Cullen, Chief Economist, FAO

International Auditorium



Event Closure

22:00 – 00:00

Changing the story of food loss and waste

FAO New York

with the participation of FEBA Secretary General, Angela Frigo

  • 22:00: Opening

H.E. Ambassador Elisenda Vives Balmaña, Permanent Representative of the Principality of Andorra to the UN

H.E. Ambassador Damiano Beleffi, Permanent Representative of the Republic of San Marino to the UN

Mr. Maximo Torero Cullen, Chief Economist of FAO

Mr. Satya Tripathi, UN Assistant Secretary-General and Head of New York Office at UN Environment.

Ms. Danielle Nierenberg, President and Co-Founder, Food Tank, will moderate the event

  • 22:15: Screening of “Wasted: the story of food waste”

Introduced by co-director Ms. Nari Kye

  • 22:55: Panel Discussion

Ms. Radhika Khandelwal, Chef and Owner-Partner at Radish Hospitality, and member of the Chef Manifesto

Ms. Lía Celi, Sustainability Manager at Intercorp Retail

Ms. Angela Frigo, European Food Banks Federation

Ms. Iyeshima Harris, Farmer and Program Director of East New York Farms, Just Food partner

  • 23:30pm: Interactive Dialogue
  • 23:55pm: Closing remarks

Ms. Carla Mucavi, Director of the FAO Liaison Office to the UN

This event will not be streamed on the platform. It is for a US-based audience only

Discover the European Food Banks Federation: our story and our daily activity to prevent food waste and to support charities helping people in need at European level.
From 9:00 to 20:00
Take a virtual tour of Food Banks, watch videos, play with interactive games, read and download reports and documents presenting the work of the Food Banks on food loss and waste prevention at national level. In some of the stands, interact with the Food Bankers via chat.
From 9:00 to 20:00
Virtual exhibition of the FEBA project “Quantifying the impact of European Food Banks – From Farm to Fork” and possibility to interact live with the team and external experts.
From 9:00 to 20:00
1 virtual stand dedicated to “Future Food Bankers”: a place to share ideas and discover more in a funny and interactive way.
09:00 - 20:00